Simon Morris Simon Morris

What a Recruiter does beyond just finding you people.

We all know that a recruiter finds people for jobs. That’s it right? Company needs to hire, goes to a recruiter and they send them CV’s. Simple, surely?!

Here’s what a true consultancy does beyond a CV sifting service

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Simon Morris Simon Morris

Ten ways to attract and hire the best Developers…

We all know that Software Development roles are some of the hardest positions to fill right now. They are in high demand, salaries are rising and there is a lot of competition to attract and secure the best talent.

Here are my tips on what to do to give you the best chance to hire

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Simon Morris Simon Morris

Short and sweet, the CV treat…

Make it easy for them. Keep it simple to read – bullet points are your friend – No big blocks of text. Make it easy for them to scan it and want to read it properly.

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Simon Morris Simon Morris

It’s not just about the money…

Time and time again I’m saddened to see people make the wrong career move because the salary is higher and nine times out of ten they are looking again in a year and struggle to find the next role because of inflated salary expectations.

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Simon Morris Simon Morris

You weren’t worth it until you quit…

It’s cheaper to keep you than replace you – it costs on average £30k to replace someone when you account for lost time, lost knowledge, time to replace, recruitment fees and time for the new employee to get up to speed. They will also pay a higher salary for your replacement.

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